Let me tell you, everything is always working out for you! There is no wrong decision if it’s defined with a strong mindset!
So, for all of those who are reading this and don’t know what this whole text is about, I wish you to be smart and clever when choosing your life path. The following thoughts could be helpful for all the people who can’t get out of their mindset and feel like they have no control over their life decisions.
Feel free to take a cup of coffee and stay a while and listen…
It was August of 2019, I was working in an IT company, handling a lot of projects and clients day by day, with zero empathy for myself. I mean, you can only imagine how stressful my workday was!? At least I thought it was.
Why I said ‘At least’ is because most of the time in your life, you only think that nothing makes sense and everything is happening only to you, and to nobody else. This is a wrong negative mindset and only you can change it for the better!
And as I remember, those summer days were so hot and long, so long that some voice in my head appeared from nowhere and started to speak to me. I thought that I was crazy, but yes, I was talking with myself that morning and the main question this inner voice was asking me was ‘Are you happy? What the hell are you doing here? Do you really want to spend your precious time in this place while longing for a change?’
Most of the time we, humans, are only breathing and going through life. Don’t we?
The studies from Gallup statistics show that 85% of employees aren’t engaged in their work. Given that the average person spends 90,000 hours at work in a lifetime, it’s important to figure out how to feel better about the time you spend earning for a living.
Sometimes, we wake up with negative stressful thoughts without some focus or goal that we are chasing. But let me tell you, I was working almost 6 years without a focus or a goal, and I was everything but a truly fulfilled person. This has brought me to a state of mind where I was feeling like a rabbit in a basket, waiting for someone to bring me carrots so I can live until the next day. This way of thinking is the worst.
Get clear on Priorities
After a few days of rethinking in a quiet place, listening only to my thoughts instead of everybody else’s, I decided to change my priorities. I finally understood — your entire life depends on the type of mindset you have. There is no book, no movie that I would recommend, only that ‘click’ in your head. That day was a life-changing trigger! It has taken me to a different perspective and different way of thinking.
You know, there is one animal that typically frequents wide-open spaces and plains, where it browses on grasses, shoots, and leaves. That animal was on my mobile screen at that time and it was an inspiration to open my mind to different places and adventures — the gazelle. Sometimes you only need to follow your feelings that are driving you away from ‘normal’ life. Life of unhappy thoughts and challenges. Just dare to live.
The main thing to ask yourself before drinking your first morning coffee is: Are you happy with the job you are doing? Where is your focus and what do you want to achieve in your life?
That day, I figured out that the world is full of challenges, and that my job was to recognize the power of change. People are not born to die in their own negative mindset that another job does not exist. We all need to try to be the best version of ourselves with our positive mindset! The best thing I did was defining to myself what I need and what are the next steps to my freedom and happiness.
Art of Imperfection
My mother always said: ‘’You have a permanent job and you should be happy and silent, don’t quit your job!’’. This roughly translates to “it is important that you have a job, any kind of it, no matter what plan or dream you want to follow.”
When thinking about my job, my family never took into consideration whether I am satisfied with my job title, my colleagues, working hours, deadlines, or my daily schedule. As long as you have a job, you should be silent. Unfortunately, for my mother, I didn’t listen to her, instead, I listened to my inner self and I quit my job.
All the beliefs that are imposed on you by your family and teachers have a big impact on your life decisions. Most of us are afraid to quit our jobs, to jump out of our comfort zone. We’re thinking too much about our colleagues, our families, and our financial situation. I’m not saying you should quit your job and lose a house. 😛 I am just comparing if it’s easy for you to take 20 pictures for your Instagram profile picture, you could think the same way and try to apply for at least 2 open job positions and try to take some risks in life.
I will quote Steve Jobs: ‘Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” Don’t be trapped by dogma “live with the results of other people’s thinking.” Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown your own inner voice. And most importantly, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.
Finish strong and move forward.
This was not one of the easiest decisions of my life, but it was a life-changing one!
After I was 100 % sure of my decision, I finally talked with my entire team and with the CEO. It was a big relief to do something for myself and my future. One-to-one talk with your CEO is not always an easy thing to do. One has to find the right approach and the right words. My way was to be honest about myself and afterward to start a monolog where everything was easily defined.
My decision didn’t affect a lot of colleagues from my team, since not everybody is your mirror.
Me leaving the company is not me leaving who I was in that company. It was the opposite. It was me, leaving with all the knowledge, experience, and a lot of good friendships, moving on my path.
On the other side, I was grateful for every lesson that I learned there, for every colleague that has taught me a lot of useful things, thankful for every criticism, for every smile, and every gift that I got. I realized then, that it never mattered that I was leaving because I’m not! I’m only moving to another place, to another company, to another ‘Life sprint’.
I was taking a risk quitting my job, but what is life if not jumping with open arms on a rainy day? Some umbrellas will come. It is only a question of how positive you are and where your focus is.
Everything has changed…
Take a look at my life. If I didn’t quit my job last year, I wouldn’t be on a current one, with a great team and running like a gazelle with new shoes to a new office only 5 minutes from my home and drinking only 3 coffees per day, instead of 6 like before. 🙃